Staying in Shape

The importance of staying in shape while you’re playing
in a tournament cannot be over emphasized. Lack of focus, lethargy,
sore back, forgetting to over-tip the waitress (yes, I’m going to beat
that joke to death) are all major distractions to your poker game.
Poker tournaments are long and grueling. If you are to do your best
you need to stay in shape while you are on the road. Exercise is the
answer, but it’s difficult to find the time, after all you just flew
into town, checked into your hotel room, and registered for your
tournament. What can you do?
Boy, do I have an answer for you:
I teamed up with a physical fitness trainer with over 20 years
experience in the fitness industry and together we came up with a
series of simple exercises that can be done in your hotel room in just
10 minutes! We show you how to use things that can be found in your
hotel room like your luggage, the phone book, the iron, to do fast,
easy and effective exercises. The exercises are broken down into
three categories to be done over three days. They are: Upper Body
Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, and Stretching & Breathing
Exercises. The exercises are done in such a way as to quickly give
you the workout that you need: Cardio, Resistance, Stretching and
Breathing. Courtney Friel, the drop-dead gorgeous host of The World
Poker Tour (season four), illustrates all the exercises in detailed
color photographs.
article was taken from a book designed to keep poker players in shape
while they are on the road. This easy 10 minute hotel room
workout has helped some world-class poker players stay in shape.
Dr. Hope, for one. Anny Duke told Dr. Hope that Eric
Seidel uses this workout whenever he is on the road. T.J.
Cloutier told Dr. Hope, "There's some good stuff in that book."
The name of the book is:
Pumping Iron: A Traveling Poker Player’s 10 Minute Hotel Room
Workout. Here are some pictures from

what people are saying about this book:
Absolutely the best book I've ever read in my whole
life! It's hilarious and well written.-- Dr. Hope's mom
If you travel you need this book! You should buy at least one copy
- no wait- at least three copies, of this fantastic innovative
book! --Dr. Hope's publisher

support this site by
your copy of
Hope’s Pumping
Iron: A Traveling Poker Player’s
10 Minute Hotel Room Workout today!
So until next time,
remember the number one thing in poker is to have fun and enjoy
it. It’s not whether you win or lose that counts; it’s
whether I win or lose.
Dr. Hope, J.A.P.D
(Just A Pretend Doctor)